Saturday, July 20, 2013

{Change is good, right!?}

Happy Saturday everyone!
Today I just wasn't feeling like I wanted to do a fashion post! As much as I love to get dressed up, and do fun pictures, today is not that day- I'll be rockn a t-shirt & jeans.... There are a lot of quick changes coming my way; & I'd be lying if I said I wasn't STRESSED OUT! I know change is a part of life, and it's a good thing! I am not denying that...

So I work for a company who travels during the summer! I wouldn't want to work for anyone else, honestly! Best company in the entire world! I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to even be apart of such a great organization! It has, and will allow me to do so much charity work! We are actually going to, Nepal this November for a week. We will be building a library, & a soccer field... among other things to help out their community! I couldn't be more thrilled for the opportunity, and more excited to share my experience with the rest of you! It will definitley be a life changing experience... Which brings me back to why I started this post... I have been feeling anxious, nervous & so stressed because we will be living out of hotels for the next two months... It's not the most appealing thing! I just become more discouraged with myself, because I don't want to have negative thoughts, period! I should feel blessed that I have such an amazing job, and I'm surrounded by wonderful people! I am such a planner, and perfectionist-that when things are out of my control, I become un-balanced, and feel super anxious! I figure writing it out will help me feel a lot better about the whole thing! I'm not the only one in this position, there's an entire team who has to do the same thing! Then I begin to think how selfish I am for being so negative! I know it's not anything I can control, it is what it is! I should feel more grateful, because there are people out there who don't even have warm beds to sleep in! So I vow today, to change my attitude and welcome the change with open arms! To see it as an adventure, and something that is just a tiny piece of my life... I have my entire life ahead of me, and one day I'll look back and be happy this happened!

Do any of you have difficulty dealing with any sort of change you've been through, or have coming your way?


  1. Love this post! I am glad I am not the only one going through change. :) cute blog!


  2. How fun!!! I am the same way with change! I hate not knowing exactly what's going to happen and not having control (or at least a set plan) over the outcome! My husband finishes pharmacy school next May, but next month we need to decide where to apply for jobs and basically need to decide where we're going to live, if we're going to buy an in-between home or our forever home, if we should just stay here and pay off some debt, etc. It has me so stressed out that I'm having almost daily nightmares over it! Ha ha, I think I need to adopt more of your attitude over it all!
